Gum Drop The Elf: Day 2

by: Gracie
Have you ever wonderd if a elf new how to roast marshmellow`s?well ares we found Gum drop roasting marshmellows in the loundry room.I coudent find him but mommy weird is that.I cant beilve he was roasting marshmellows.Thats the funnyest thing a elf woud do.Well thats todays addventur.

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2 Responses to "Gum Drop The Elf: Day 2"

  1. Grandma4:16 PM

    Yes, I agree. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen an elf do! Maybe Gum Drop thought you would never look there. Great work.

  2. Candice10:03 PM

    Gracie, this is a new home for him! He's going to love finding something new to explore each day!


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