Potty Rock Star!

When searching the net for ideas on my party, I came across the line "potty like a rock star." loved it! Had to do it!
So, I made a rock and roll themed potty celebration party.
I even put mousse in his hair and gave him a rock star do. (No, he didn't like it and fussed and smashed his hair down. I fluffed it back up though)
Not that it lasted, since he freaked when I pulled the camera out a few moments after he eagerly climbed into his seat.
So, a rock star tantrum later, we returned to the table and tried again. Once he learned there were presents involved--he was good to go.
He loved opening his packages of undies from Grandma and Grandpa and Mamaw and Papaw. He wasn't as impressed with mommy's undies cake--but that's okay--I like it. And, Aunt Sharon sent him some funds to pick out some more big boy undies, so he is set for a while.

A special thanks to Mamaw and Papaw for foreseeing the green-eyed monster and sending it something to open too. While that tamed the "beast," she was sure she didn't get as many undies as she did. I told her (again and again) that she had a party just like this one and people even came over to celebrate with her and people mailed undies for her too. I went back and showed her the pictures too.
Many thanks to all of you who congratulated our big boy on his big success.
I think you can see the pictures from this link...try it...
PS: I apparently didn't blog about Gracie's potty party (I was (am) a little uptight, anyway, I added those pictures to the above link so you can see them both :)
Cute party!