Hair Drama Mama
Since, oh, birth, Gracie has whinned, cried, screamed,shouted, thrown a fit over having her hair washed, combed, brushed, styled, trimmed, get the idea.
She is now 8.5.
You could see how that could drive a woman to insanity.
Girl hair takes a great deal of maintenance, and I refuse to let her leave the house looking like she rolled around in a hay loft.
Well, I used to. I think the screaming has gotten the better of me, and unless it is a church or school day--I refuse to fight the battle. This summer she looked so pitiful, but I was allowed most days free of the hair battle.
I thought when I had a boy that at least my hair woes wouldn't grow.
Nope, he hates to have his hair cut.
You wouldn't think that would be such a big deal, but do you have any idea how quickly little boy hair grows?
I should take him more than I do to get a trim, but he screams, fights, cries, kicks, pushes, tantrums, and all in all has a fit on the way, while waiting, during and on the way home from a haircut.
It literally takes all of my strength to get him in the chair. I have to restrain him while the lady cuts his hair, and often we leave with it done "as well as they could do it."
He is 3.5.
The crying began when he recognized the shopping center.
I figured I was in for a long morning, and asked myself, "how long will he do this?!!" And once I got him in the chair and the waterworks started I looked at the hairdresser pitifully and told her he was 3 and a half. She assured me that it takes much longer for some kids. That didn't help.
But, to my surprise, the tears stopped. He wasn't happy, but he wasn't kicking, screaming, or throwing himself. He wasn't even restrained. He simply wanted me to hold his body. He sat still and patiently. I switched sides for the lady, and at one point I let go and got my bag and camera.
He got his haircut done without a meltdown!
Maybe we are in the home stretch?!! Maybe he can talk to his sister for me? Nah, I bet that won't work either.
If you have a child over the age of 8 who still throws a fit about her hair, feel free to let me know I am not alone. If your child is an angel and lets you do anything to her hair and she just smiles, feel free to keep it to yourself. :)
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