Preschool Conversation

My phone has this great feature on it--and I didn't even know.  Well, I know now. 

A few weeks ago, I was telling Garren "wouldn't it be neat to have a microphone setting on the phone so I can record the cute things the kids say?"

He of course gave me a "seriously?!" kind of expression and showed me in 2 seconds how to do it.

Today the idea jumped in my head to use it. I love how he tells me about his day as we drive away from preschool. I only get a few facts, and then he is done for day, so why not record them? I sat the phone  on the arm rest with the ap ready to go, and hit record.

Wanna hear about his day?!!  Good!

***The blog will not let me upload audio only, so (thanks to Garren) I know to add a picture and use Windows Movie Maker, so that it why you just have the image I snapped of him walking out to the car in the rain ***

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1 Response to "Preschool Conversation"

  1. Candice9:07 PM

    So sweet! You know that a year from now, you'll cry your eyes out when you listen to this conversation.


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