Thomas' First Playdate

My son is 4, and today we were invited on our first play date.  I know how that must sound, but when you are a stay at home mom-hermit like me, you don't get out much, you don't make many (or any) friends, and your children are likely stunted socially.

Well, maybe it isn't that bad.

Gracie didn't have play dates either and she seems to have worked out just fine.  In fact, it wasn't until she  went into preschool that she even associated with other children at all.

People told me that once the kids get into school you can't help but meet other people. I guess they were right.

Thomas, of course, was thrilled that we were going to go to his friend Bryce's house today to play.  Thankfully I didn't tell him until moments before we needed to get dressed, because he bounced around and kept asking if we could leave now until I finally zipped his coat.

Being the polar opposite of his very shy sister; Thomas bounded out of the car and quickly walked up to the door and rang the bell.

I thought about getting the camera out just in time, and while this isn't the best picture, I love that I captured Bryce's little hand opening the door for his friend to come in.

The boys happily and excitedly played for more than 2 hours with trucks, cars, trains, more cars and everything in between.

It was nice to be able to sit and watch Thomas play with someone else, and actually talk to a real live adult.  Not just an adult, but another stay at home mom who understands your day.

And, like most moms I would catch myself panicking a little as he played, terrified he would do something he knew better than, like not sharing, or yanking a toy, or forgetting to use his manners.  But, for the most part he was very well behaved.  He wasn't as nice to Bryce's precious little (12 month old) sister as I would have liked, but we will work on that. Usually he is the youngest person when he is around others (or the same age), so being respectful and helpful with a little one wasn't coming very naturally.

Thomas was crushed when it was time to leave, and he moaned and complained the whole way home, but thankfully he was polite and nice and fun enough to be asked to come and play again (kind of makes you feel good as a mom when your kid gets a play date invite and a return invite all in the same week ;).

These boys became fast friends at preschool, and they will be in the same class next year as well, so it will be fun to see them grow and learn together!

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1 Response to "Thomas' First Playdate"

  1. My child hasn't been around other children much either, and she probably will truly be scarred because of her little attitude. Your Thomas is just too sweet! I'm so glad he had a great time!


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