Chalk City

The clouds were out, and they may have been hiding the sun--but they sure weren't hiding the heat and humidity this afternoon.  But, that's okay.  I had an idea!

Thomas has been loving "driving" his cars, bike and trike around the front yard attempting to keep up with his sister (whom at the age of nine is finally getting the hang of a bicycle. I knew if Thomas got a bike, she would suddenly get more brave! ;)

Anyway,  I pulled my car out of the driveway and surprised the kids with a road.  While Thomas did laps I started to create a city. And then Gracie helped me "build" the city even more. And, Thomas did what he does best: supervise!

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2 Responses to "Chalk City"

  1. Awww, Bryce's house made the chalk city! LOVE it!

  2. J loves when we do this, except she won't stay on her tricycle long enough to drive all the way out her "roads."


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