Cheerleading Performance

Daddy and I signed Gracie up for the six week cheer leading camp at American Family Fitness, well, 6 weeks ago.  I saw the advertisement and while I was taken aback by the price, I knew it would be a good thing for her--and boy was it!

She looked so forward to cheer practice each Sunday afternoon, and she would tell me how she was practicing during recess at school.

They got their "uniforms" during the second practice, and if you think the price of the camp made me flinch--you should have seen me when I had Gracie try on her outfit!

I know that cheerleaders have a certain "look," but this mama has no desire for her nine year old to wear ANYTHING that short!

I was really upset, and even threatened (on FB) to add fabric to the bottom of that all too short skirt, but I calmed down and was overwhelmed by the number of people who quickly jumped in and begged me not to do that to my child.  I guess I would have scared her for life be being "that mom."

So, she proudly marched into one last practice before the "performance" this afternoon in her outfit.  I even took time to fix her hair up, and I let her wear a red tinted lip gloss.  You would have thought I gave her a million bucks (okay, so maybe I am warping her ;).

She was proud to show off all of her new found skills, and she even earned the award "Most Improved."

We were proud to see our big girl shine. It made it even more apparent to me that she needs more outlets. I have kept her at home most of her life, and besides Tumble Tots through the Parks & Rec for 4 months when she was 3, this is the only thing she has done in a group activity setting. Even when she runs, she just runs for her.  I will work on finding more opportunities--I realize now how important it is for her.

I did video the cheers and "dance" on my phone (still no camera), but Garren will have to help me upload it here, so check back for that.

In the meantime, enjoy the pictures of my little girl who looks all too grown up on this exciting day!

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3 Responses to "Cheerleading Performance"

  1. I always wanted to be a cheerleader, but I was too shy! Glad she likes it!

  2. Gracie, I'm so proud of you! Barbara, I'm even more proud of you!!!

  3. Grandma and Grandpa1:46 PM

    Gracie: WOW, Great job!!!!


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