Bible School, Day 4

Gracie seems a little apprehensive, as all she could talk about was how she had no idea what they were doing tomorrow for the "performance."

I am not sure it is even a "performance," but I think the idea of having to go in front of people like Thomas did for his Bible School finale last week has her wound up.

The parents have been invited for the Bible School closing in the sanctuary at 11:30 tomorrow. I am sure it will all go smoothly, and I am sure my darling kids will be wonderful and I will snap photos and take videos like no other.  Now, I just have to keep her mind off of it until tomorrow.

Today was "green" day and both seemed to have another awesome day at Bible School.

I am not sure I mentioned, but Gracie's "class" has had to memorize Bible Verses and recite them back each day. We are so thrilled that not only is she mastering them, but she is standing tall and reciting them back to whomever!  Gracie tells us that is they do all 5 they get some sort of Sweet Frog gift card/certificate.  So, she is doubly excited as she tells me

"all the toppings you want!!"

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1 Response to "Bible School, Day 4"

  1. Candice11:00 PM

    So proud of her for memorizing scripture! (And yay for Sweet Frog!)


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