
Thomas went returned to Wednesday night church with Bryce tonight.

Last week he was at Bible School all week until 8:30.

Guess what time Wednesday night church ends?

NOT 8:30!

I remember switching the laundry and looking at the TV and it said 8:09, and I got this funny feeling. The funny feeling lead to panic and I ran to the computer to check an old email from Grace that had the church info on it when Thomas started going.

Oh no!

Oh yea!


I put my shoes on and didn't even tie the laces. I tapped out a text to Grace and told her I was on the way.

I screeched to a halt in the church parking lot and ran though the rain to the door.

I lost count of my endless appoliogies to Bryce's grandma who heads up the class.  I picked Thomas up, who seemed completely unaware that I was late, and covered him in kisses.

I have never been late for my kids.

Not once in her 2 years at preschool, not once in his 1 year of preschool. Not once for Bible School or any other church or school

I am sure the fact that I rarely ever leave my kids anywhere without me probably helps my score.  But, the fact that I was late to get my baby still tears me up.

He is home. He is fine.

And, when we arrived at the house there was a large rainbow that shone over head like it was wrapping itself around our home.

A reminder I am daily and ultimately forgiven.

Now, to find a way to forgive myself.

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3 Responses to "Worst...Mom..EVER!"

  1. Don't beat yourself up about it. It was no big deal. There were two other families who were late picking up their kids because they had lost their keys at the mall. He wasn't alone and he was in good hands! And the rainbows seem to be popping up when we need them most lately!! You're not alone!

  2. Candice11:03 PM

    He was probably enjoying time with his friend! No worries!

  3. haha. yeah, totally DON'T beat yourself up over this!
    as a preschool teacher, I have seen this happen to the best of 'em!
    even perfect parents make mistakes at times :) and this doesn't even rank on a list of 'major' flaws ;)


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