Tweetsie Railroad

I have been looking forward to this trip for months!

I have a little boy, a little boy who loves trains, and one of my fondest memories with our family is taking Gracie to Tweetsie Railroad when she was 2.5.

I know that Gracie wasn't thrilled about returning to this amusement park. She knew it was more for little ones. But, she was a trooper (most of the time).

Now, I DO remember the car trip from Limestone, TN to Blowing rock, NC 7 years ago, and I was prepared.  Well, as prepared as you can be for a person who gets crazy car sick.  What I wasn't prepared for was that Thomas would take after his mama!

Half way through the 2 hour trip, Thomas had to be moved to the front seat, and I a city girl had to be moved to the back. 

Lets just say it was a long rest of the trip.

But it was worth it.

It was worth the grins and the smiles and the "toot toot!!" over and over again.

I could gush and gush about this memorable trip with my son, but you will bore easily, so I will just post lots of pictures.  Not all that I have because that would be nuts--but still plenty.

I am so thankful for this trip, and for the memories we made, and the chance to have those memories with each of my children.

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1 Response to "Tweetsie Railroad"

  1. Oh no! Poor Thomas! I'm so sorry he got sick, but I'm so glad you all had a great day!


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