Tweetsie Railroad

I have a little boy, a little boy who loves trains, and one of my fondest memories with our family is taking Gracie to Tweetsie Railroad when she was 2.5.
I know that Gracie wasn't thrilled about returning to this amusement park. She knew it was more for little ones. But, she was a trooper (most of the time).

Half way through the 2 hour trip, Thomas had to be moved to the front seat, and I

But it was worth it.
It was worth the grins and the smiles and the "toot toot!!" over and over again.
I could gush and gush about this memorable trip with my son, but you will bore easily, so I will just post lots of pictures. Not all that I have because that would be nuts--but still plenty.
I am so thankful for this trip, and for the memories we made, and the chance to have those memories with each of my children.
Oh no! Poor Thomas! I'm so sorry he got sick, but I'm so glad you all had a great day!