I Finished A Book & Got Rewarded

Grace brought the book over to me a few weeks back (how sad is that it took me this long to finish it?!!), and I loved every page. It reminded me so much of my Aunt Lou and her sisters and it had me laughing and crying and just enjoying every word. But, my favorite words ended up being the last of the book:
"It's His story, after all."
What a reminder of faith and assurance and life!
I definitely recommend this book to southern mamas, southern women, and anyone else who has a story-telling kind of family--because you will get it.
It also made me long for that kind of family. The kind of close family that loves each other without shame and in abundance. My parents love my brother and me, don't get me wrong, but we were not blessed with a big ole' extended family full of holidays and occasions and cousins that took time to share and love and cook and get all excited. I want that for my kids. I want to give them that kind of family--the kind I missed out on. The kind you see in Campbell's Soup commercials.
On to the reward, I got enough points to earn an A.C. Moore well--reward! I got $10 whole free dollars to spend in that awesome store. That should take me 2-3 hours. I get like that with free money. I can't decide what to get and I want to do the most with my free money. If you knew me when I would get the free Khol's dollars in the mail--it will be like that--only worse--because I don't usually shop at Khols and everything is expensive...I do HOWEVER go in to that craft store every chance I get!
SO glad you loved the book!