Saturday Bike Rides

Gracie has a new bike.

Daddy has a bike rack.

We live on a hill.

Time to load 'em out and move 'em out--to the local park!

The kids loved the new adventure, and daddy loved giving them some extra

freedom that mommy often denies the "babies."

Daddy even had them ride to the playground after he had me drive up there, so they had to earn their playtime.  Gracie of course loved this and pulled in a minute behind me! That kid is learning fast!  Thomas would have gotten to me sooner, but those training wheels are seriously slowing him down.  Garren thinks it will be just a short time before he has them off and Thomas is flying!

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1 Response to "Saturday Bike Rides"

  1. Awesome! Riding my bike was one of my favorite things to do as a kid.


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