Early Release Play Date

Gracie has been counting down the days all week!

I had told her and her friends Clara and Mary Gray that they could occasionally ride the bus home with Gracie and play at our house and do homework since both of their moms work at the school and they have to hang around and wait for them.

Well, I decided I would randomly choose a day of the week that best suited us, so I emailed the moms about Thursdays.

Well, as luck would have it, this Thursday was an early release day from school, and these moms had to stick around until after 6!

So, that is nearly 6 whole hours of awesome girl fun at our house.

These ladies were hialriously exctited.

They sang songs, they danced, they made silly videos on Gracie's IPOD (she has no email or accounts so she can't upload to anything! They just watched themselves as they played it back), they played hide and seek, they did lots and lots and lots of giggling!

It was such a fun afternoon for Gracie, and it sounded like it was pretty fun for the other girls too.

A fancy snack for the girls.

Homework time! Thomas too!

Popcorn and a movie. 
They chose The Little Mermaid

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