Preschool Picture Day

It should be illegal for picture day to be the day after Halloween! I am not sure who is more tired, the one who got too much sugar, too much excitement and too little sleep. Or me!

And, I had been terrified all week I would forget it was picture day and forget to dress him super nice. Well, I didn't forget, but I did forget to pick out a great fall outfit ahead of time. Because I would have realized all I had was orange and I put him in orange last year! And, I would have gotten him something else.

After going through too many outfits and finding them lacking, I went with this sweater that looks great on him. Too bad it is crazy hot today!  I packed him a short sleeve shirt for after pictures and put A LOT of hairspray on his hair, and realized that we not only pulled off picture day--we made it look good! ;)

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