Train Days

I almost missed it! 

I was sure they said "second Saturday in November," but I had this sinking feeling in my stomach as we left Home Depot and lunch at IHOP this morning.

So, I texted Grace.

Yup, train day in Ashland was today!

I had been looking so forward to taking him, and I felt like we still had a few hours to enjoy it.

So, despite my exhausting week--I loaded Thomas up (and Gracie too, she was given the option to stay at home and do something she would like, but surprisingly she signed on for trains) and we put the address in the Google Maps AP.

We made it--the first time! No turning around!

I was so glad that we went ahead and went. But, I have to say I was expecting something completely different.  Thomas had a wonderful time, but after about an hour he was ready to go, and I didn't fight him. I was tired and I do not do well in crowds, and it was crazy over-crowded. Which of course is good for the event, but not so awesome for a mama and here two kids.

While we were there, we got to ride a bus (trolley was full) from the parking area to Main Street where the fun was. We walked through the caboose museum, we saw dancers dressed in period clothing. The kids rode a kiddie train. They got cotton candy. We got super lucky and watched an Amtrak train come through when we walked down to the train station. We saw model trains and a cute teddy train engineer, and tons of other things.  And, then we rode the bus back (still hoping for trolley, but we missed it by 5 minutes).

 I think we will likely go again next year, it was very neat to see, but maybe with two parents, or just one know, if I don't forget!

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