Thankfulness at Age 4

I didn't even feel for a second embarrassed that he didn't tell the teacher "my family," or "my house" or "food." Because he doesn't really know how to be thankful for those things. Oh, we pray and give thanks to the Lord for all he has done for us, but this simple child knows not about other children with separated, divorced or deceased parents, he doesn't know the meaning of hunger or cold--and for that I am thankful, and cherish his answer, because it shows me, and the world that he is a carefree child. And that is the way I want him to be for as long as possible.
***I am guessing that this was some sort of bulletin board display and that is why it came home after Thanksgiving. And, also, you know his "dog" is Chewey--right? ***
When we played an "I am thankful for..." game in our Cubbies class, J said, "MyMy."