Birthday Parties Galore!

Who is having a birthday party?!! Everyone!

Okay, not "everyone," but Thomas came home from preschool with two birthday invites in his backpack. Doesn't sound like too much--but wait for it--Thomas and Bryce who are sharing a party, handed theirs out today too! Which means, all the kids except Bryce & Thomas got THREE invites in their backpacks today!!


And, to make it funnier--the two other children are having their parties on back to back weekends and at the same place.

As you know, January-March is already a busy birthday time for us, so add in more parties and we are just going to be celebrating all time time!



21--Grandpa's Birthday
26--Paige's Birthday
26--Paige's Birthday Party
29--Briton's Birthday
30--Matthew's (Cousin) Birthday
31--Daddy's Birthday


 1-- Briton's Birthday Party
 6--Emmy's 2nd Birthday
 9--Thomas' Birthday
13--Thomas & Bryce's Birthday Party
15--Mommy's Birthday
25--Bryce's Birthday
28--Aunt Dawn's Birthday


 5--Gracie's Birthday
25--Grandma's Birthday

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1 Response to "Birthday Parties Galore!"

  1. BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!! You can add 2/23 to your calendar for Bryce's party. I'm a bit behind, but will have some kind of invites out soon!


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