Happy Birthday Mommy

I had just a few birthday wishes this year sure to make my day the best it could be, and I got most of them, and I was truly blessed.

If you know me (or you read this blog a lot), you may notice I like lists. Yup, I am a list maker, and I am very determined when it comes to completing lists, so I made one for my birthday.  Each year, well meaning people, insist on Facebook that I "do something for yourself."  I never do.  But, this year, I decided: "why not?!"

So, I left the kids at home after making my house super-duper tidy, and I went to Goodwill and bought myself a happy pink purse. I went to A.C. Moore and used a great coupon to get me a watch for those awesome beads that you use to make your own story bracelets. (The bracelets are awesome, but the beads always fall to the back of my arm, so I was hoping the watch would be a better way to display them)  I also got new beads :)

I stopped by my favorite Chinese food place and got hot and sour soup to go and I came home with all of my treasures.

My family took me to dinner at my favorite place: Red Robin, and I ate my favorite burger: the Bleu Ribbon.  They even brought me a birthday ice cream sundae and ran out of servers to sing so no one was embarrassed!

My day was good, and I would like to say it ended well. But, it ended with a rare meltdown by our youngest, so I didn't get my cake, and I had to open my cards all alone.

But...as I watched NCIS reruns (that always make me happy!) and read my cards I noticed the full moon shining down on me and remembered that birthdays are not about ice cream cakes and cards and gifts and those wishes that don't come true when you blow out the candles (oh yeah, and candles)--it is about those you love loving you back on your special day, and I dear friends, got LOTS of love today!

Now, while I am talking about lists, I am sure you are wondering about my 36 before 36.  First let me say that I am impressed with how much I got done. Secondly, I want to do this yearly, but I HAVE to give myself more time. Thanksgiving to February sounds like plenty of time, but after you add in THREE major holidays and TWO family birthdays, and snow--well, it was a rush.  But, here is a gift I am giving to myself; I have a handful of things left on the list (look on the right hand side of the blog page) and I am giving myself until the end of February to get them done. I am not going to stress over an unfinished list, and I am going to complete what I started (except the living Nativity--stupid snow, and the teeth thing depends on my next visit, but they ARE getting done!).

And, I am going to share the journey with you (as best I can, I wasn't awesome about the pics!) when I get them completed.  (Grace, I need you to take some good pics of me this month with your awesome camera!)

I have gotten lots of encouragement and great feedback on my list and wanting to complete it, and I want to thank all of you for that. It made me want to keep at it--and I have done so many things I would not ordinarily do! I am very proud of myself!

Happy Birthday to me!

**UPDATE: I made asked my pretty family to do a family picture after church 2.16.14, and Grace (who is super awesome!) brought me ice cream cupcakes Sunday evening! So, list complete!!***

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2 Responses to "Happy Birthday Mommy"

  1. Birthdays are SO much fun! I think I put too much pressure on myself though to have a perfect birthday. But even at 31, I still feel like a child on my birthday! Sounds like you had a great day! Best wishes for a wonderful year to come!

  2. I'm so glad you had a good birthday! I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you. I love the beads, and I started that a few years back (on a necklace of course). I swapped to Origami Owl last year. Google it. It's neat!


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