Big Care Bear

Our Gracie has such a big heart, and it means so much to me that her friends and classmates think the same thing.

Gracie's class chose her for the Character Counts Caring Award this grading period.

Gracie has received a Character Counts award each year she has been at MES, and we are so proud!

(One student per class is chosen for one of the awards: Caring,Respect, Fairness & Citizenship. They divide them out over four nine-week grading periods. This years award gives her one of each in her 4 years at MES!)

Respect: 1st grade

Citizenship: 2nd grade

Fairness: 3rd grade

Caring: 4th grade

Gracie was also recognized for Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance.  As always we are so proud of our bright and caring girl!

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1 Response to "Big Care Bear"

  1. I am so proud of you, Gracie! Congratulations!!!


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