Egg Hunt #2 (3)

Our church DOES have an Easter Egg hunt, and I feel a little uneasy about choosing their church over ours. Thomas knows all the kids from Wednesday nights here, and they were doing the Resurrection Eggs and I really wanted to know what those were about. (awesome--by the way--to simply teach kids the meaning of Easter) And, sadly, our church cuts off the egg hunters at 2nd graders, so Gracie would have had to watch Thomas, or not go at all. So, I did what I thought was best for all of us.
*** (We LOVE our church, and feel like we belong there, we just kind of add on to our worship experience by branching out for a few things--but I am aware that I am not a "joiner" and if Grace wasn't inviting and encouraging me to do things with her and her church, I wouldn't do anything at all. I will work on getting more involved at our church home--I know it is important) ***
Each age group had a certain section outside of the church where they could hunt. Thankfully the parking lot divided Thomas' area from Gracie's and I could watch them both.
Gracie made out like a bandit! Her bucket was full, the extra plastic bag Grace gave her was full, and she was piling them in my purse!
Typical Thomas was constantly wondering around completely happy, but unfocused. But, while sister clearly got the most, he got a Resurrection Egg, so he won a special prize pack.
It was fun hunt, and both kids fully enjoyed the morning.
Thanks (again) for inviting us!
Yay for Resurrection Eggs! We LOVE them!!! I got them for J, and she memorized the whole Easter story in one night. I'm glad your kids wanted to go to an egg hunt because remember what my child did. (Of course, I now know it was because she was sick. Her little tummy was still hurting. Boo!)