Fourth Grade Field Day

Now, I have missed field days over the years, as it is hard to take Thomas and make him sit still. At Gracie's school, the field day is NOTHING like it was when we were kids. There are bouncy houses, and fun games, and snow cones! I had to sweat it out for hours with an egg on a spoon!
Well, this year, they decided to bring back what used to be Field Day from the dinosaur ages. They had relay races, and actual running races. By the time we arrived, Gracie and her class were waiting their turns for the tug-of-war rope.
As it happened, that was the end of their "events," and they headed to bouncy houses and snow cones after that.
Thankfully the teachers and volunteers were wonderful (they always are) and allowed Thomas to have a turn on the bouncy items. And, thankfully I had a dollar bill and could get him a snow cone (first one is free for students).
Gracie seemed to have a great time with her class for field day. I mention that because she is like her mama and not as athletically inclined. I dreaded gym days and field days and any other thing that usually got me picked last and made me sweat. :)
This Field Day sounds fun! Only select kids get to attend our Field Day, and kids from all schools from both city and county systems participate. So, it's limited to the more athletic kiddos.