Fireworks At Busch Gardens

And as you also know, Virginia outlaws "real" fireworks (i.e. awesome/dangerous pyrotechnics in your front yard)--so, we decided to put those Busch Garden's season passes to good use again, and go for their special 4th Fireworks tonight.
The park is doing fireworks every night between July 3 and August 3, but the ones on the 3rd, 4th & 5th are "extra" special (i.e. longer).

You know me, I hate crowds of people and I am not good with heat. So unknown circumstances + heat + ridiculous amounts of people = one really stressed out mama.

Daddy, knowing how to handle a "hot" mama was willing to find a cool place to sit and he (against my grumpy tight-wad objections) bought over-priced park food and fed said mama-beast.
After that things went well.
We watched a show, where Gracie and I laughed and laughed as Thomas AND Daddy participated with the great group of performers. (I am not allowed to share daddy's "experience," but it is a moment that will be forever ingrained in my memory!)
When the show was over, we leisurely walked to the docks near the cruise boats and found a place to sit and wait for the fireworks to begin.
We all added to our already large collection of mosquito bites, but the kids really enjoyed watching the fireworks.
Almost as much as daddy.
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