Annual Beach Trip With The Whitlocks

I figure it is "annual" since this is the second year in a row we have gone.  Makes sense--right?

Just like last year, the beach was awesome, the sky was beautiful, and the weather was perfect!

Well, it got closer to perfect after we moved the whiny kids (mostly Gracie) away from the more seaweed infested area to a less seaweed infested area.

The kids loved the sand and the water, and this year those boys got super brave and spent most of their time at the rope.  They wanted to jump the waves the boats and the wind created.

Yorktown beach is technically a sandy edge of the York River, but it is salt water has seaweed and jellyfish, seagulls and tons of shells--so really it is the best (and worst) parts of the ocean front without the loud (and dangerous) waves!

While Emmy spends most of her beach time snacking, playing in the sand and napping--she got brave and let me carry her out to the deeper water and "jump" the waves.  She loved it as much as her big brother did.

Now, despite the worst sunburn I have ever gotten taking up my entire back, it was a wonderful day.

We stopped for overpriced ice cream, we looked around in the cute little shops, and we stopped for BBQ on the way home.  Oh, and we rode the trolly as well!

I love days like today.  While I prefer to lead a very solitary life with my kids, I truly enjoy sharing these adventures with Grace and her precious family too.

**I have more pictures than I do commentary, so enjoy all of the scenes from our day!**

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1 Response to "Annual Beach Trip With The Whitlocks"

  1. I'm so glad you guys had such a fun day. I was sharing the pictures with Jolee and reading the blog to her. I have to tell you what she said. "The sand is dirty there, Mommy. There are no waves, and that water is really yucky looking. I wouldn't get in that water, Mommy. Why do they have surf boards because there's no waves there at their beach?" My child is corrupted, eh? Poor kid wasn't scared enough of waves last year. We had some waves knock us down! The water is always terribly rough when we go the beach. It's fun to watch the surfers though!


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