Daniel Tiger Is A Big Brother

We have been waiting for this day for more than a month.

Okay, Thomas has been waiting for this day, and he apparently froze the date in his memory (and I didn't), because as I was writing today's date on the chalkboard he yells out: "It's baby week!!!"

I put my chalk down and immediately made sure I set the DVR to capture this episode he has been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for.

After quiet time he and I (and his begrudging sister) sat and watched the exciting episode(s) where Daniel gets to be a big brother.

Thomas was so excited he couldn't sit still. He was bouncing and moving from one seat to another. It was too cute to watch.

...until he announces "I hope we have a new baby!!"

Sorry kid.

I hated to lose out on a good learning experience, so we looked at his baby pictures and talked about his arrival and how he was in my tummy too and how Gracie got to so most of the big sister things Daniel got to do while waiting for the baby like picking out the room decor, and choosing a special present for the baby, and getting to wear a "Big Sister" badge.

And then we talked about other big boys that got to become big brothers.

Bryce is a big brother to Emmy

And, Henry just became a big brother again this month to his new baby brother Simon.

Thomas knew about Emmy, but pretty much decided that didn't count since she isn't a baby, but he was super excited about seeing the pictures of Henry and his new baby.

A little too excited, because now he is more sure than ever that he should get to be a big brother too.

I love it when my plans turn out so awesome. Eh, anyone want to let Thomas borrow a baby?

**Update: Mason, the son of a high school friend of mine became a big brother today too--just like Daniel Tiger! Congratulations on your new baby Mason!  Happy birth-day Grayson Lane!

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1 Response to "Daniel Tiger Is A Big Brother"

  1. Awwww! A baby sister! J liked this one too, but I didn't see it. She still says she doesn't want a sibling.


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