Five...And A Half

It almost snuck past me, but you have to love calendar reminders (my phone and computer alert me to things on the calendar that I created).

For many years I have celebrated the kids half birthdays with them. It is just a fun excuse to have cake or a treat and decorate a bit.

Mamaw & Papaw are in visiting with us this weekend, so they got to share in the halfway-momentous occasion.

Happy 5 and a half big boy!

I would love to list all the new things you are doing, but really, you are a simple creature. You still love all things cars, and trains, but your favorite thing in the world is tow trucks.  You got your 5 year check up late, so you are pretty much the same size wise, but I saw when you were playing with my scale in the bathroom you were up to 50 pounds!  Your speech continues to improve, and you are so excited for Kindergarten, but when people ask you about it, you tell them "but, mama doesn't want to talk about it" after you tell them how super excited you are.  You are your mama's boy, and even at 5 and a half you and Chewey find your way into my side of the bed every morning when the sun comes up.  You are like an alarm clock with restless legs.  You are getting really good at reading words and I am super proud of you!  Your daily summer school work always leaves me amazed at what you have remembered and what new skills you can do with out help.  You are my sweet boy, and you worry a little too much about getting in trouble--and we will work on your

"sorry, sorry, sorry!" I don't want you to be too much like your mama.  But, I will love you through and through no matter who you become a the days and years pass.

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1 Response to "Five...And A Half"

  1. So hard to believe!!!! Let's find the rewind button!


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