Trick Or Treat 2014

I am one exhausted mama!

I love Halloween with the kids, but this year, I am just not feeling the excitement. I think I am just drained.  But, I also think that we managed to have a good time.

Thomas looked super cute as a construction worker "just like grandpa!"

And, Gracie got her wish to be Glenda the good witch from Oz the Great and Powerful.  As I warned her, no one got her costume, but she was okay with that--its what she wanted.  And, she wasn't one of the 11 billion Elsa's out there begging for candy ;)

We started off the night in our dream neighborhood, also known as the neighborhood where Bryce lives. And, we ended our evening at Trunk or Treat at Bryce's church (where Thomas goes every Wednesday night).

When we got home the kids dumped out all their loot, and cute and brave Thomas won by a landslide.  There were several houses Gracie was too scared to go up to, and at Trunk or Treat she shied away and he got handfuls of candy from large Home Depot buckets.

Eh, it doesn't matter anyway, I end up sending it all with daddy to work in 2 days anyway.

We did let them choose 4 pieces each to eat tonight. And then sent them to super brush their teeth and go to bed!

We hope you all had a very Happy Halloween as well.

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1 Response to "Trick Or Treat 2014"

  1. No one knew who/what J was either. It's all about what they want to be though! They both look adorable! Seriously, you give away all of their candy? How sad! Boo! J will eat from this stash until at least Christmas. She only eats a couple of things each day though.


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