Crazy October
I haven't blogged since October 8th! The 8th!
October is without a doubt my busiest, craziest month each year. You would think it would be December, or even September with kids going back to school--but, for us, it is always October. I don't know if it is like that for most families or just us. Maybe it is because I love fall and it is by far my favorite season so there are always long lists of "want to dos," or if it just feels busier and in fact it isn't. But, the point is, it is November 1st and I am just now downloading my camera and all 400+ pictures on it.
I plan to go back and blog individually and add pictures, but here is our month in recap mode:
*Gracie earns her first recorder ribbon in music.
*Gracie got her ears pierced! That's a biggie! She had to earn the privilege, but was rewarded with getting to take Grandma along for the trip. The three day weekend trip was quite a treat for all involved.
*Picking out pumpkins. I admit it. I cheat every year. I get them at Wamart. But, usually, the kids go to the pumpkin patch at least once so they have the pumpkin experience that doesn't involve a bar code or checkout line.
*5th Grade rock science experiments with chocolate!
*Mechanicsville Miler. Number 4 for Gracie in this annual tradition at her school, and number 2 for Thomas. (He ran the 100 yard dash this year as a Kindergartener and last year as a preschooler).
*Missed the bus already this year. Won't be the first time, won't be the last.
*Site words. I worry sometimes about Thomas and his academic skill level. And, then there are times he reminds me he is a very smart boy and will do (and does)just fine.
*Two Days with Rachael. It does this mama's heart good when other mama's share their little ones with me to temporarily fill the empty house.
*Music Award. Thomas finally got it. He is super happy!
*Pumpkin Carving. We attempted to make it less "stressful" this year, but I think our final 4 gourds look pretty awesome.
*Gracie goes apple picking with Clara, and ends up staying the night. Sleepover #2 for Gracie!
*Gracie writes a poem for class about herself.
*Talent Show. Shy Gracie + on stage singing act with her friend + 3 performances with 100 at least in the audience each time = one shocked and very proud mama! And, then did it again, and again!
*Kindergarten Field Trip. The first of two this year, and we went to the pumpkin patch! I am so blessed to get to share these moments with my kids.
*Two Halloween "snacks" at school. You can't say "party" or have a "party" because each class only gets 2 a year, and counting these as parties takes away the winter one. Being room mom x2 makes for a busy holiday, but since I plan them , I can make it so I can be there for both kids.
*Trick or Treating. I didn't even post a picture on Facebook last night. So glad our bust October is done.
October is without a doubt my busiest, craziest month each year. You would think it would be December, or even September with kids going back to school--but, for us, it is always October. I don't know if it is like that for most families or just us. Maybe it is because I love fall and it is by far my favorite season so there are always long lists of "want to dos," or if it just feels busier and in fact it isn't. But, the point is, it is November 1st and I am just now downloading my camera and all 400+ pictures on it.
I plan to go back and blog individually and add pictures, but here is our month in recap mode:
*Gracie earns her first recorder ribbon in music.
*Gracie got her ears pierced! That's a biggie! She had to earn the privilege, but was rewarded with getting to take Grandma along for the trip. The three day weekend trip was quite a treat for all involved.
*Picking out pumpkins. I admit it. I cheat every year. I get them at Wamart. But, usually, the kids go to the pumpkin patch at least once so they have the pumpkin experience that doesn't involve a bar code or checkout line.
*5th Grade rock science experiments with chocolate!
*Mechanicsville Miler. Number 4 for Gracie in this annual tradition at her school, and number 2 for Thomas. (He ran the 100 yard dash this year as a Kindergartener and last year as a preschooler).
*Missed the bus already this year. Won't be the first time, won't be the last.
*Site words. I worry sometimes about Thomas and his academic skill level. And, then there are times he reminds me he is a very smart boy and will do (and does)just fine.
*Two Days with Rachael. It does this mama's heart good when other mama's share their little ones with me to temporarily fill the empty house.
*Music Award. Thomas finally got it. He is super happy!
*Pumpkin Carving. We attempted to make it less "stressful" this year, but I think our final 4 gourds look pretty awesome.
*Gracie goes apple picking with Clara, and ends up staying the night. Sleepover #2 for Gracie!
*Talent Show. Shy Gracie + on stage singing act with her friend + 3 performances with 100 at least in the audience each time = one shocked and very proud mama! And, then did it again, and again!
*Kindergarten Field Trip. The first of two this year, and we went to the pumpkin patch! I am so blessed to get to share these moments with my kids.
*Two Halloween "snacks" at school. You can't say "party" or have a "party" because each class only gets 2 a year, and counting these as parties takes away the winter one. Being room mom x2 makes for a busy holiday, but since I plan them , I can make it so I can be there for both kids.
*Trick or Treating. I didn't even post a picture on Facebook last night. So glad our bust October is done.
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