Snowy Drive South

Thomas woke up this morning without a fever, no upset stomach, and announcing:

"I am all better!"

It was a long "white" ride to Tennessee, but even with a ton of falling snow, slick roads, really, really bad traffic, stop and go periods, and two whiny children in the car--we made it.  8+ hours later.

***It is clear to us that the school nurse was incorrect about Step (we got a negative test back at doctor's office), and the Dr was incorrect about a stomach bug (he never once thew up)--we are convinced it was yet another sinus infection and the painful stomach was the result of a lot of drainage, and later by the adding of pain relievers for the fever on a constantly empty stomach (doctor said not to give him any food or drink!)***

**My camera card is "stuck" and I am unable to download any of my Tennessee pictures from my digital camera! As soon as Garren or I can figure out the problem I will add pictures from our Thanksgiving trip!**

1 Response to "Snowy Drive South"

  1. Sorry Thomas was sick and hate that you guys had such yucky weather!


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