Goodbye 2014

The Whitlocks joined us to send this year out, and ring in 2015!

We have kind of made New Year's Eve a tradition, and so I think we will have to keep on sharing it together.  (Check out last year)

The kids enjoyed the goodies and the noise makers and the hats and beads, but mostly hanging out and playing.

Jason brought over a confetti gun--gotta love him--so the kids also had a great time shooting that noisy messy thing in the front yard.  I would have loved it more, but my son was a little too proud to show me he "gun stance" and it was freezing out there!

The big boys mostly watched football and we girls chatted while the kids played all over the house.

But, we did all gather in the same place to do some cheers and an early countdown.

I think we all had a blast tonight, and we find ourselves very thankful to have the Whitlock family in our lives this year---and maybe they'll find it okay to be in our lives next year too! :)

2 Responses to "Goodbye 2014"

  1. We had such a fun night! All the cutesy touches were perfect. Thanks for having us!

  2. Seriously, you are going to have to give me some ideas of things to do with J next year for New Year's Eve. I never do anything! I love your cookie clock! Happy New Year to all of you!


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