Signed Up For Middle School

She is officially signed up for Middle School!

1 Response to "Signed Up For Middle School"

  1. Barbara Miller Shipley Of course I photographed the moment. The guidance counselor said that was a first for him (photo of the moment by a parent), but he "gets it." I guess he'll be prepared for me when it's Thomas' turn.

    Michael Terndrup You're making me feel old

    Jessica Henry Middle School????? when did this happen???

    Barbara Miller Shipley I know!!!! frown emoticon

    Jessica Henry Crazy how time flies! WOW

    Andrea Lange Sievewright Oh my! Already? frown emoticon

    Jane Woodson congratulations, Barbara and daughter!!

    Cindy Pangle Racey Now you can start to worry! Lol Just kidding. . . She will do fine (and so will you).

    Connie Meeks WHAT?????? She's not old enough..... smile emoticon love you, BJ!

    George F. Hoffman WOOHOO!

    Jo Kelchner Great picture! Good for you for taking it.

    DeAnna Brown Morgan What?? Middle school? Since when!?

    Candice GeFellers I cannot click the "like" button here. I cannot. I cannot.


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