Thomas' Mixed Up Day

So, I had already signed up to discuss middle school options and classes with the school guidance counselor and Gracie this morning, but I hadn't planned on a long stay at the school, and a return visit for lunch.
While Gracie was getting ready for school this morning, a very unhappy Thomas was not doing a good job of getting himself ready for school and eventually melted in a face full of tears and sobs.
We did not have time for drama this morning, so I sent Gracie on to the bus stop and attempted to calm my kindergartener down.
Now, ordinarily I would have kissed him and told him it would have been fine and put him on the bus--but I can't really describe the fit of wailing and tears we were knee deep in when the bus arrived.
In my attempts to calm him, he listed a myriad of reasons he didn't want to go to school from: "I have no friends" and "no one will play with me" to "I miss Chewey."

I am still not exactly sure what made him loose his marbles like that. He LOVES school. He LOVES Mrs. Naff, and his best friend is in the class with him. I think he may be tired, and he just hit his limit. We all do that--even mamas.
Since Gracie's appointment was at 8:45, I just got dressed and took Thomas to school with me. We stopped by the office and signed him in "tardy," and headed to kindergarten class.
Hugs and smiles from Mrs. Naff seemed to do the final trick for having a good day. I felt pretty good dropping him off and giving him hugs. That is until I said "and it's cheese stick day!" Mrs. Naff gave me a puzzled look and walked him to the lunch choices board.
I had read the wrong lunch calendar day--which meant both kids chose to buy, and neither would want the option. I couldn't have another break down, so I crossed my fingers that he would eat the chicken nugget option. And, odds are he would have, but mama was standing there so he asked me "mama, can you bring me lunch today."
So, I made a promise and headed back to the school office for Gracie's appointment. (She told me she chose a salad since mama screwed up).
I picked up Chick Fil A for lunch and returned to school around noon.
Thomas was loving that mama was there, and asked if Bryce could eat with us at the parent table. I caught Mrs. Naff before she left the cafeteria and she said it was a fine. So, Thomas and Bryce got to share their lunch together with me.
When I left my boy for the second time today at school he was smiling and I felt confident that he was doing better.
This whole day is a very mixed up on in emotions for Thomas. If this was Gracie I wouldn't have been surprised--but Thomas?! Something is off, and I am really hoping it is just not enough sleep.
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