Middle School Open House

She's a middle school-er. And, I am one exhausted mama!

To say that the 2.5 hour "Open House" for 6th graders was overwhelming is an understatement.  But, the point now is she is settled, she has a locker, the locker has been decorated, she has meet her homeroom teacher, she has found all of her classes, she has her gym clothes, and a text book.  All the forms have been filled out and she is ready to go.

So, it isn't important, that even though we arrived 5 minutes after the start time we had to park across the road at the funeral home and hike it in. That there were so many kids and parents you could hardly move in the hallways. The lines were long and intense and there was a lot of waiting and worrying and wondering. There were 6+ steps to the day, and while they were well coordinated, it quickly became tedious. We finally got the locker open on try 20+ after we Face-timed daddy and had him talk us through it. Gracie's locker decorations were spread all over the floor as we attempted to squeeze into a space for a bottom locker along with 4,000 other people trying to get to their lockers--and she was not going to give up on decorating that thing!!! That we we finally left I was $29 poorer (school fees alone, no extras like PTA or t-shirts!!!!!) and you could have wrung my clothes out they were so soaked in sweat.

Each student was given a coupon for a free ice cream and I was about to bribe her to let us just go, but we got lucky and the ice cream truck was there on our hike back to the car, and there was no line. So, we made the stop.

And, besides a new locker worry (did I mention we couldn't get it open again after the first time?!), she is so much calmer and more excited that she was.  So, my overwhelmed very fast paced morning was not all in vain. 

We did see some MES friends, but didn't find anyone in her "group." She is a "Wizard" and apparently those kids will all travel from class to class together.  I have no idea how many groups there are in 6th grade, but we haven't found any other "Wizards" from Mrs. Madison's  class yet.

In addition to the unlimited locker decor that Mamaw purchased for our excited girl, she was also thrilled to use her new purple back pack and break in her new school shoes.  She is super ready.  That makes one of us.

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1 Response to "Middle School Open House"

  1. wow. I had always wondered who bought those locker carpets and chandeliers.
    Now I know ;)

    She'll do great at middle school!


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