Last Water Hurrah

Gracie was helping Mrs. Naff out today with some much needed Kindergarten classroom cleaning/organizing, so Thomas and I hung out at the MES playground and invited some friends to play with us.

Now, when I saw the forecast for this week, I saw that it was going to be cool temperatures.  Someone lied!

While Thomas, Bryce, Emmy, Rebecca & Rachel didn't seem to mind the heat, or sweating, this mama did!


In fact, the heat and humidity screamed so loud at me that I promised both kids they could get out the kiddie pool this afternoon.  That pool hasn't been used since June (but mostly because of the moving fiasco).

My two were more than happy to help get it out, clean it out and fill it up.

I think they spent more than an hour cooling off in that tiny blue pool. And, if I could have fit, I totally would have been in there with them!

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