Head Butting...Literally

Whats a head-butt among friends--right?!

The last thing I was expecting today was a call from the school nurse, but that's usually when life happens--when you aren't expecting it.

The nurse at the elementary school called to tell me that Thomas and another boy collided on the playground at recess today. It was his mouth versus the other child's  head. She tells me there was blood, and a loose baby tooth, but he was fine and she sent him back to class.

Well, I congratulated her--because that boy of mine FREAKS out over blood and thus loose teeth have been a nightmare in this house!

Not 30 minutes later, the phone rings again.

It's the nurse.

Thomas is back in her office after breaking down in tears at the lunch table.

She lets me talk to Thomas and I ask if he wants me to sit with him at lunch. He says it hurts to chew and he can't eat anything.

I grab the kids Tylenol (with permission from said nurse) and head to the school.

He is a mess when I get there, and I sit with him, and you can tell he really is miserable.  I ask him to open his mouth and there is blood running across the gums of his two front permanent teeth. I figure the worse and start to plan on a stop at the dentist.

He is inconsolable (and I didn't even mention the dentist to him!), and I ask one of the teacher aids what is left of the school day.

Just specials that day--meaning art for Thomas' class.

I send him back to class with his friends to get his backpack, coat and binder and promise to take him home.

While I am waiting I ask the nurse, and she tells me his front teeth aren't moving, and she thinks the blood is moving over from the baby tooth that was knocked loose.

That helps, and I decide to forgo the dentist--for now.

We stop and get a feel-better milkshake since the poor boy is starving.

At 4pm he is still hungry and unable to eat.  So, I call the dentist office.  She explains it is like a bruise and will be sore for a few days, but as long as the permanent teeth aren't loose or discolored--he will be fine.

Mommy is relieved, but it is small consolation to the boy with the hurting mouth and growling stomach.

Daddy has the great idea of baked potatoes for dinner, and that seems to help a bit.

As for what happened: it was his best friend Bryce's head that collided with his mouth as the two played "tag" with other friends on the playground.


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1 Response to "Head Butting...Literally"

  1. Bless his heart!!! Teeth pain is NO fun! Boy injuries on the school playground have alarmed me so many times over the years! I'm thinking bubble wrap??


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