Baby Makes 3 Grandkids At Grandmas

Why is it kids grow at Grandma's?!  This works for Mamaw & Papaw's house too!  All three of my kids grew leaps and bounds not only in size but skill EVERY time we traveled. So lets go down the list.

Tobias had his....

First Swim

To say that Tobias loved the water is an understatement! That child loved the water so much his little legs didn't stop for a minute. He found a way into the water at least once a day each day we were at Grandma's and nothing stopped him. He would throw his face forward and go under the water or splash his own face--nothing phased him. He would spit the water out and keep on kicking and splashing. It was so much fun to watch him love something so much. I was sure nothing could compete with his love for his Jumparoo, but this took the cake!

First Swing

It was so hot, so we went out to swing in the baby swing early in the morning before brother and sister dained to get out of bed.  But even at 8:30 am we didn't last long as the humidity was fierce.  Nothing could compare to the pool, but he sure did enjoy his rides in the swing.

First Big Boy Car Seat

Why yes, he did get so big this week that he had to get a new car seat. In fact, he got so big I couldn't buckle him in the carrier, had to go to Toys R Us and we delayed our return home by several hours.  While the pediatrician and I already discussed that he would need a new car seat ASAP on Monday, I could still buckle him when I came down here! It would all have been funny if it hadn't been so hot, exhausting and overwhelming and guilt ridden.  But, he has a new seat now, and in theory it will last him the res of his childhood. Ha! I will believe it when I see it.

First Black Eye

 To make our week more exciting, we needed an injury.  I was packing up the kids items for the trunk and had taken a break. I was sitting with him in the floor watching him play, and even though he was already on his belly and didn't fall far when his hands gave out under him (he can't even crawl and get that big belly off the floor, so we are talking inches here)--he landed square on a roll around (round ball toy) right in his eye socket.  Because we totally needed more drama today, the new car seat wasn't enough!

Here are some other sweet pictures from our very hot 4 day visit.

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