Baby's First Trip To The Library

We are struggling to get back in to a routine this summer. And, maybe that is the way it is every summer, but I am very aware of it right now.

So, in an attempt (mid-week!) I made some specific plans for the day.

Mrs. Jo invited us to do AC Moore Craft Wednesdays with her and Rachael and Rebecca. We have done these the past two summers, and I loved the idea of meeting up with other kids.

Since we already had a typical summer plan, why not go all the way?  So, I decided we would do Wednesday story time at the library before we crafted at 1.

Poor Mrs. Carolyn is always slammed in the summer, and sure enough, the preschool story time ran long over, and "family store time" started almost a half hour late.  We didn't mind. We were more than happy to wait our turn for Mrs. Carolyn.  Who, by the way hadn't seen Thomas and Gracie since last fall, and had never met Tobias.

I wasn't sure how story time would go with a baby. He had never been before, and when I took Thomas to story time as a little one he was 18 months and we did "Mother Goose" story time which was for babies. 

Imagine my surprise and joy as I watched Tobias listen intently and watch the story! I am not kidding! I took my good camera to capture today's moment, but kind of wish I had videoed it. He hung on her every word. His brother and sister took turns holding  him, but he sat still and listened! It was amazing!  I am so impressed and proud.  I had already planned to take him to Mother Good story times this fall after the kids start back to school, but now I am more excited to do so!

Unfortunately, Tobias had not taken a long morning nap (hence another reason I was surprised he did so well)--which made for a bad picture with Mrs. Carolyn who was only too happy to get a chance to hold him when I asked for a photo op.  Hopefully he will be in better spirits next week!

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1 Response to "Baby's First Trip To The Library"

  1. That boy is going to love books!!! J and I love books so much, and we've made numerous trips to the library this year! You are blessed with three cute kiddos!


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