Parent/Teacher Conferences

Every year for Parent/Teacher conferences, Grace and I take turns watching all 4 (now 5) kids and going to our conference without kids. It works well, and this year out plan was to let them play on the playground since it is outside both of their rooms and we would just swap supervision.

Well, the weather had other plans in mind. A fierce downpour coupled with thunder put a damper on our plans, but the kids didn't seem to mind pushing Tobias through the school hallways and chatting up teachers as they waited (mostly) patiently for Grace and I to both have our turns.
Thomas (as I expect!) is a great student and little person. He is doing exceptionally well in math, and he is well above his expected reading level. So, I left my conference a proud mama. And I know Grace well, and Bryce too, and there is no way she didn't leave super proud as well!
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