Summer Vacation, Day 1

As most people who know me can attest--I get cranky when it gets hot. In fact, summer is my least favorite season. In fact, I loathe it (I won't let my kids  say h-a-t-e, so, I am trying to set a good example). And, this all makes me, as a stay at home mom, look super bad! I love my kids, and now I have all day with them. I actually do miss them during the school year.  Between the heat and the lack of scheduling and the pressure of entertaining them and the demands of family wanting us to travel, and the heat and the humidity, and sunburn and bug bites, and later bedtimes, and the heat--well, it is a long 3 months.

Now, since 2017 may go down as my "lost" year because I have struggled and failed to take and make time for blogging--I figured this summer would be a good time to regain a command over my bow 12 year project of daily or several times weekly keeping this online journal of my kids and our life.

Jo is gone all summer, and she has only been gone for 2 weeks now, and I already miss her like crazy. She is not just my friend, she is my "center." She can always add a perspective to what seems like chaos in my life, or she will listen while I rattle on about life good, bad and ugly, and sometimes she just gives me a hug and makes my day all the better.

Now, I have no choice but to survive my hot summer without her, so I figured "what would Jo Do?" Well, she would do like she always does for me: find joy.

So, welcome to my attempt at finding Joy in the Summer.

Joy 1: New Opportunities

Gracie registered and got at tour at Chickahomney Middle School--her new school starting in 8th grade this fall. She went in nervous, and came out ready for school to start! Lets just say that it appears it will be a WHOLE different experience for both her and I! 

Joy 2: Long Lasting Friendships

I sent the above picture to Grace, and I said this: 
Thank you. Thank you for enrolling your son at Kitty's Kids 5 years ago. Thank you for play dates and invites and shared celebrations. Thank you for helping to make my child smile this big.

Joy 3: Survival

This child. A gift from God....who I now know has a sense of humor.
Oh the laughs He must have at my expense from his golden throne in Heaven.
18 months of joy and tears and catching near falls and curious steps, curls and giggles, tantrums and no sleep.
Despite it all--I love him to the moon and back.

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