More Stories

Gracie got even more stories today as we took Kathy and Emma to story time at t…

Snuggly Storytime

I had to share this picture of Mallory reading a bedtime story to Gracie tonigh…

Watch This!

You are going to love this. Gracie reads two stories from a Kindergarten text …

Unexpected Snow

Well, we were expecting ice and sleet, so the nearly 10 inches of fluffy snow w…

Mini Party

As promised Gracie got a mini Valentine's party upon our return to Strasbur…

Eye Of The Storm

The apartment is a mess as I continue to try and sort out all of the stuff that…

Thanks, But No Thanks

Its kind of funny really. I have received more advice in the past 6 months than…


...Gracie Shipley! Is this not the cutest thing! I found this Fisher Price &qu…

Little Cheerleader

As I promised, I am sharing some more pictures from our extended stay in Lynchb…

Funny Later? Fat Chance!

My mom says that we will look back on this later and laugh--but, I doubt it. I …

Great Way To Start 29!

And I meant that sarcastically. Today I am 29, but more importantly I am sick a…

Valentine's Mini Party

You don't have to be home to have a party--especially when you've got g…

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! We hope all of you have a wonderful day filled with …

Near Miss

UPDATE 2 7:40 p.m. at bottom The worst is over and it looks like (knock on wood…

Chilling In Lynchburg

As my overprotective but loving husband has already informed you; Gracie and I …

Greetings from Ice Station Zero

UPDATE 2: 7:18 p.m. at bottom. It's quiet in the Shipley house this morning…

Valentine Day 12: Fun Recipe

Valentine Pretzel Rods I NGREDIENTS: White chocolate chips Whole pretzel rods R…

Valentine Day 11


Valentine's Treat

Thank goodness for Candice! (Well, Grandma too) Candice called this afternoon …

Valentine Day 10

WH AT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? "On the first date, they just…

Valentine's Tea

Today was an anniversary of sort for Gracie and I. It was our 12th time hostin…

Gracie Has Mail

I know, I know I can go overboard; most of the time. But, I just couldn't r…

Valentine Day 8: Fingerplay

Five Big Valentines Five big valentines from the corner drug store I mailed one…

Snow Day!

Can you believe it--we actually got the snow they were predicting! It came down…

List Of Love

Gracie and I started a neat Valentine's themed project tonight, as she and …

Valentine Day 6:Make A Craft

Make this adorable puppy from all hearts for someone you love, or make it with …

Valentine Day 3

"You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough bucks to buy her …

Valentine Day 2

"Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife.&quo…

Month Of Love

I love, love, love February! Valentine's Day is my absolute favorite day o…

Little Drummer Girl

Another cute one for the Grandparents! Not only is it cute, but listen to the …