Gracie's First Field Trip

I am not sure who was more excited this morning...Gracie or me!

Don't faint, but I actually put Gracie in pants for her morning at the pumpkin patch. I didn't hear anyone say anything, but I know they were thinking it :) As you know, I love to put Gracie in dresses, and so far she hasn't worn the same dress twice this or last year in preschool.

But, I digress...

The morning was very cool, but all of the kids had so much energy I don't think any of them shivered once!

We started off with a hay ride. The farmer in charge drove the whole class via the gigantic "wagon" hitched to a tractor around his massive farm.

We stopped off at an area where the cutest little pumpkins were growing on the vine. He let us all off and allowed each child to pick their own pumpkin as well as a Red Delicious apple.

Gracie and I went off in search of the perfect pumpkin, which she finally found after much looking around. With the pumpkin in hand, we walked more until we settled on an adorable baby apple. We looked for bigger ones, but that was all that was left. Of course these were the perfect size for four year olds.

We got back on the wagon and drove some more where we joined by a "cowboy" dressed to a "t" and his horse "Beau." Actually being from rural Virginia it was probably "Bo." Anyhow the girls all went ga-ga over the horse and the cowboy (whose name I can't remember) talked to the kids about the farm and apples and even gave them a little quiz.

After his talk we rolled on again and headed back to where we started. Now the kids got to roam around the farm and look at the animals.

The baby cows were the cutest, but there were also baby lambs, and a mommy cow who we were told was due in a few weeks.

After looking in on all the animals the kids headed back to the tent for some apple cider. The kids finished up and then were allowed to run around the hay maze and play in the other "play areas" until time to go home.

Gracie and her classmates had a wonderful time, and I loved every minute sharing this experience with her. All but one child had a parent go with them on the trip and I could tell they were all feeling the same thing.

I took 90 pictures and picked 50 of the best. You can take a peek at them here.

1 Response to "Gracie's First Field Trip"

  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    It looks like you had so much fun on your field trip. The younger kids at my school go to a pumpkin patch too! I love the pictures of you with the pretty fall mums!


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