Happy Grandparent's Day

Ah, to be a grandparent! I bet its the world second best job; after being a mother of course. They, the grandparents, get to do things they never would have thought of doing with their own children: ice cream for dinner, finger painting in the living room, pillow fights, bowling in the house--you get the idea.

I still am amazed at the transformation my parents took from "mom and dad" to "grandma and grandpa." The same man who said to me, things like, "you act just like your mother!" and "you're wasting daylight!" plays on swings and in the pool, makes mud pies and throws his two granddaughters in to the air.

My parents have become two completely different people--kind of like strangers who took over their brains and kept their bodies. But, don't let these people fool you! They were the strictest, most uncool, most uptight people when I was a kid, and they had no life. Now its rare that I call them and anyone's home. My mother and father go to concerts, plays, out of town, and all sorts of things. I guess maybe they were waiting to do all of that stuff until my brother Brian and I were out of the house? Who knows.

I still remember when I, or usually Brian, got to mom's boiling point she would usually point her bony finger at us and say "I hope you have children just like you." I used to laugh at it (after her head was turned), it sounded so funny. But, now I am scared--what if the curse continues? She always said her mom cursed her with that threat, and it came true. Of course why should I be worried--I was a perfect angel!

However it came to be, my parents have made wonderful grandparents. They spoil Gracie and Mariah, but I think all kids should have grandparents like that. Someone to make them laugh and wipe away their tears and give them a cookie when they really don't need one. I think grandparents are kind of like referee's in the game of life: when the coaches get cranky and the other players aren't being fair, there's someone to step in and give them a time out for a while.

But I bet my mother will hold on to her definition "grandchildren are God's reward for putting up with children like you." Someday, a long, long, long time from now I will be a grandmother, and I guess Gracie will say all the same things about me-- and I will smile and give my grandbaby another spoonful of ice cream.

Happy Grandparents Day!

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1 Response to "Happy Grandparent's Day"

  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Grandpa, Mariah and I were reading your blog last night. You are getting to be such a big girl. Of course, we especially enjoyed the one for Grand Parents Day! That is beautiful artwork. Thank you. We love you too!
    Mariah did say that you forgot "jumping on the bed". Thanks again.


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