Hair Experiment

It was last week that I realized that Gracie's hair has remained the same style since she was born; long in the back and bangs parted to the left. I have never had her hair cut and it is really starting to get long in the front is well. And it was time for a new "do." After all, she is a very cute little girl, and I have been longing to dress her up!

Besides experimenting with the hair (which came out just adorable don't you think), Gracie and I took advantage of the warm day to get new books from the library. We hadn't been home long before Daddy came in with a card from Aunt Heather. She was so generous to send Gracie a gift card to Toys R US. We decided to let Gracie go shopping this evening. There were so many things to choose from, but she finally decided on 2 puzzles, a JoJo's Circus doll and Baby Shakespeare (a baby Einstein video). We all thank Aunt Heather very much.

Since we are out we decided to grab something. We settled on CiCi's. I don't have to explain any further. Anyone of you who have ever been can imagine the zoo-like atmosphere.

Meanwhile here at the house; I have decided to keep the Christmas decorations up awhile longer. Keeping it festive in here is helping me I think, and Gracie is having a good time talking to all of the birds and other decorations around the house. Her favorite is a plastic angel with a red dress. She puts her new pretend jewelry around her neck and has conversations and tea parties with her. I like the trend: playing with angels. Gracie is so blessed to have so many earthly and heavenly angels watching over her...I couldn't feel more safe and warm watching her play and grow knowing that they are real.

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2 Responses to "Hair Experiment"

  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    What an adorable little girl! Gracie, you look so cute in your outfit and your hair is beautiful! Grandma loves you very much!!

  2. Anonymous7:42 AM

    This is a very cute picture. It doesn't even look like Gracie. She is growing up fast


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