Back In The Swing Of Things
Our little family seems to be back to life as usual...with the exception of Garren's migraine. This morning I headed to the gym for the first time in 2 weeks, and it felt good. Garren went to work and I got 3 loads of laundry done, the house cleaned, dishes done, dinner cooked and cleaned up, started Gracie a bath, played & read with Gracie, etc...I even baked cookies. And it was kind of nice to have my day back to normal again. Gracie too found herself more comfortable at home as she decided to use the potty for the first time in 2 weeks! We are very proud, and she received another sticker on the calendar.
I am not sure how this potty training things is supposed to go. It seems like she is sporadic with it. We don't want to push her, I mean she isn't even 2 yet! But, then again, we want her to keep trying. We tried the Dora pull-ups. She loved them, but her sensitive skin did not!! We have had problems with diapers before (Gracie can only use Pampers Cruisers because of the velcro tape, she's allergic to the sticky kind), and this time was no exception. She developed a bad diaper rash that didn't go away for a week! These trainers had a wetness liner in them so your child can feel that she is wet. The liner also had blue colored raindrops on it. We think the combination of the dye and the piddles on her skin created the problem. So, that leaves us in a bind. Because Gracie is so big, she is already in the biggest size diapers Cruisers make--so, she has to be potty trained before she out grows them. But that's a problem for down the road. Although my little weed continues to grow. I noticed the other day she will need new socks since the ones she is wearing are leaving band marks around her ankles.
In addition to the potty success today, Gracie learned about shadows. We were sitting in front of the window with the afternoon sun facing the wall, and Gracie saw her hand shadow on the wall. She thought it was very neat and continued to wave her hands and fingers around while giggling.
Oh, those of you who know me well will get a kick out of this: last night when we took Gracie to Toys R Us to spend her gift card, there was a huge sign outside that said "winter clearance." I told Gracie: "Always look at the clearance rack first Gracie." She repeated "Aways ook at de clearance rack furst momma." It was so cute. And those of you who know me have probably heard me say the same phrase to you!
I am not sure how this potty training things is supposed to go. It seems like she is sporadic with it. We don't want to push her, I mean she isn't even 2 yet! But, then again, we want her to keep trying. We tried the Dora pull-ups. She loved them, but her sensitive skin did not!! We have had problems with diapers before (Gracie can only use Pampers Cruisers because of the velcro tape, she's allergic to the sticky kind), and this time was no exception. She developed a bad diaper rash that didn't go away for a week! These trainers had a wetness liner in them so your child can feel that she is wet. The liner also had blue colored raindrops on it. We think the combination of the dye and the piddles on her skin created the problem. So, that leaves us in a bind. Because Gracie is so big, she is already in the biggest size diapers Cruisers make--so, she has to be potty trained before she out grows them. But that's a problem for down the road. Although my little weed continues to grow. I noticed the other day she will need new socks since the ones she is wearing are leaving band marks around her ankles.
In addition to the potty success today, Gracie learned about shadows. We were sitting in front of the window with the afternoon sun facing the wall, and Gracie saw her hand shadow on the wall. She thought it was very neat and continued to wave her hands and fingers around while giggling.
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