Bad Day For Neighbors

My back is killing me, there is soapy water still in the tub, and soggy bath toys littered all over the floor. There are mounds of trash that need to be taken to the dumpster, I still haven't cleaned up from dinner, and my living room is covered with an elaborate Geo Tracks set up. But, none of those things were the hardest part of my day.

Many times today I had to tell Gracie "no." Not to the things most mothers might say no to, but to innocent things that you can't do if you have neighbors that live underneath you.

Gracie is a wonderful toddler full of energy, and I continue to have to curb that amazing spirit. Several times Gracie beat on the floor with various items. Not, in a rage, but just to hear the noise it made. Many more times, she was practicing "marching" as she sang some sort of marching song. And, in the tub she wanted to listen to her hands smack the water on the walls to hear the neat sound it made. (She also wanted to march in the tub, but that was dangerous, so I didn't feel as bad when I told her no.) I even had to hide the new basketball she got with her birthday money becuase she wanted to bounce it, and I had to restrict her use of the gigantic ball Grandma and Grandpa gave her to the day.

Now, I am sure that many of you would offer the same answer: "find a house." That isn't as simple as it sounds. We live in NOVA and it is extremely expensive to live and/or rent a home. Picking up and moving, as much as Garren and I both want too, is easier said than done.

I guess I won't feel as bad when spring gets here and I can take her outside. But, I can't help but feel like I am suppressing that curious innocence that Gracie has. I am sure most of you have lived in an apartment at one time or another, so you know the difference between "apartment manners," and getting do anything you want in your own home.

On the brighter side, the people who live under us are at work all day. But, then that brings me to a quandary: how can I let her make noise and stomp during the day, and tell her "no" in the evenings. That is way to confusing.

In the meantime, I guess I will just pray for spring.

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2 Responses to "Bad Day For Neighbors"

  1. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Been there done that! We lived in an apartment for two years and felt like birds in a cage. The kitchen noise of pots and pans was my biggest problem because I am such a clutz and tend to drop things that make really loud noises. However, we had a dingbat lady that lived underneath us, so we actually stomped and made noises to annoy the old hag (she kept us awake all the time)!! Hang in there! Just consider your family as free birth control for the neighbors and let the kid party on.

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I recently saw a card that said " A clean house is a sign of a boring life". Forget the house, enjoy the day!


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