The Same Old Thing!

I don't know about the rest of you, but it seems like our family is in a "food rut." We eat the same old dinners over and over. I know I shouldn't complain about something so silly, and I am not, especially since one of the family (guess which one ;) is extremely picky! But, I thought that maybe I could get some help.

There are so many families like our out there and I thought maybe some of you could share your family's favorites. We are always on a budget, but I am always willing to experiment! So, how do you feed your family? Share your family favorites in the comments section--PLEASE! My taste buds are desperate.

To be fair I will share two of our family's favorites:

Chicken Casserole

4 chicken breasts (skinless)
1 stick butter
1 Pkg Pepperidge Farm Stuffing (blue bag, Herb)
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 can Cream of Celery Soup

Boil your chicken and cut in to small bite size pieces. Save 2 cups of your chicken water and dump the rest out. I use the same pot to lessen the amount of dishes...but, simmer chicken water, cream of chicken, cream of celery together until smooth. In a bowl pour stuffing and add 1 stick of butter (melted), mix well and fluff with a fork.

In a casserole dish (rectangle), spread 1/3 of the stuffing. Then Add 1/2 of the cut chicken on top. Pour 1/2 of the soup mixture over the chicken (I use a ladle to get the most coverage, you want to make sure all of the chicken gets covered). Then add 1/2 of the remaining stuffing on top, followed by the rest of the chicken and then the rest of the soup. That leaves the remainder of the stuffing to cover the top. Basically you have created layers; stuffing, chicken, soup, stuffing, chicken, soup, stuffing. Then bake at 350 for 45 minutes. It's yummy!

Teriyaki Chicken

4 chicken breasts
1 bottle Kikoman Teriyaki Baste & Glaze
Green Pepper

I put my chicken in an electric skillet. I add water so it boils more instead of frying to make it healthier. Toss in sliced onion and sliced green pepper (I use a 3/4 c, about, of onion and 1c of green peppers, more or less. When chicken is nearly done (very slightly pink), pour out any standing water in your skillet and pour over the Teriyaki (I use 3/4 of the bottle). I let this simmer for about 8 minutes until the chicken is coated in the sauce and it browns a little.

Serve over white rice.

We probably make this easy dinner more times than anything else.

**Picture above from Labor Day weekend dinner. I guess the nieghbors enjoy my cooking, they have come back several times since the for seconds!**

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1 Response to "The Same Old Thing!"

  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Ha! Let me know what you come up with. We are so sick of the same stuff over and over.


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