Happy Anniversary To Me

Garren bought me a house for our 8th anniversary, so you can imagine how excited I am!

Actually, the more baffling question you should be asking is "only 8 years?" It does seem more like 20, but as I told Garren (who didn't necessarily find this amusing)--in a good way.

Actually I can barely remember my life without him, and that isn't the worst thing in the world. I am happy being a wife and a mommy, and I will be happy to continue doing that for the next 80 years. (Let's be ambitious shall we.)

My House

5 Responses to "Happy Anniversary To Me"

  1. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

    Matt & I are so happy to be part of your lives.

  2. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Happy Anniversary! I love your house. It will be much prettier when you get your decorating done.

  3. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Happy Anniversary Barbara and Garren. We wish you many more!

  4. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Happy Anniversary! Eight years with my brother? I'll just call you Saint Barbara from now on, LOL! Just kidding. I love you both and hope your day was special.

  5. What a beautiful house! I love it!


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