Look What We Found, Candice!

Okay, I was actually thrilled to death when I came across her in the thrift store today. As a matter of fact I think I actually squealed and asked Gracie "can I have this." She was so cute telling me "okay momma, we can share it."

This is a 1982 baby Strawberry Shortcake (yep, I got it for $1!!!). My best friend Candice was actually lucky enough to have one. She blows (once blew) strawberry scented kisses. This dolls kisses smell more like glue. But, with a little love, a hair wash (in strawberry shampoo) and a trip to the washer for her dress--she will be as good as new.

Last year, or two years ago they tried to sell baby Strawberry Shortcakes in the store. I fell in love with it, but I wasn't $22 in love with it--so the year passed and I didn't get one. It also took batteries, and as many of you know I am completely old school when it comes to toys. Toys shouldn't talk! That's what a child's imagination is for.

Other goodies we found: 3 handmade quilted stockings for $.75 each. I would have loved to have found 4, but as Gracie pointed out "there are only 3 of us mommy, so we only need 3." We also found the Strawberry Shortcake house ($1) for Gracie's miniatures she has been wanting, the "Don't Break The Ice" game I was going to get her for Christmas ($.50 here, $5 in store), and 3 baby outfits ($.25 each). I love it when I rack up.

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5 Responses to "Look What We Found, Candice!"

  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    How cute, Gracie! I'm sure my doll is packed away somewhere. I also had (well still have somewhere) Tutti Fruitti who blew kisses. They also have on little "booties." The elastic broke, and they fell off quite often. That probably explains why your doll doesn't have her booties on her feet. I remember the smell of the strawberry kisses! Gracie, teach Mommy to count to three! Why in the world would she need more than three stockings?

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I had that exact same doll! I still remember how the strawberry "kisses" smelled; thanks for sharing that experience...what a blast from the past!

  3. I have this little doll on our guest bed (which happens to be the canopy bed from my childhood). She still puffs a strawberry scent.

    Does your Strawberry Shortcake have a hat? Mine does, but the elastic is stretched out--probably from me wearing it when I was little.

  4. Warning: my sis Holly had this one and my mom would get morning sick from the "kisses"! Watch out BJ! ;)

  5. Gracie thinks it so neat that many of you had the same doll--thanks for sharing with us!

    Since Strawberry doesn't blow good smelling kisses, I think I am good on the nausea. We will definitely have to try Candice's idea to get her smelling good again. I wonder if a drop of the strawberry shampoo will work if I can't find fragrance.

    Strawberry didn't have a hat, and I decided not to mention that she came with one, because then Gracie would want mommy to make her a hat--and I haven't the slightest clue how to sew a baby doll hat :)


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