Playing School

Have I told you how smart my four year old is? Well, in the past 24 hours anyway ;)

Today was the first day back at preschool for Gracie and her friends. It was oddly comfortable outside for January 5th, and it had even warmed up more when I picked her up from school.

She and her classmates made penguins for their window decorations today. They also played "music drop." Gracie explains that this is dancing when the music is on, and then being still when it is off. Sounds like quite a challenge for 20 four year olds to me!

Snack was cheese doodles, and Gracie said that she played in a "foam table" today for center time. Apparently they have replaced the dirt, rice and water table with foam and flour tables, and you can still write on the board. Can you imagine the clean up with flour!!

When she got home, I wanted to get back in to the swing of things here too. Since I painstakingly cleaned out the pantry this weekend, I was able to easily pull out her easel. We used her chalkboard side to do words and reading. I printed a word and she sounded it out and then drew a picture of it. I was amazed at how good she has gotten. It can be so frustrating to try and teach a child to read. With phonics and so many letters it is easy for them to get discouraged as well. But, as usual, Gracie picked up more than I realized. I went through 30 words or so and she had little to no difficulty at all. I was so proud.

I continued to do more with the chalkboard and she decided she would be the teacher. She put her stuffed friends under the easel (which was the bus) and drove them to school and did more of mommy's lessons.

She excels at math--and I am so happy since she does not get that from me. I still need all of my fingers and toes to add! I wrote 4 problems on the "board" and she did them without help.

She is such a little genius, don't you think ;)

Actually, as much fun as it is to do these lessons with her, it was wonderful to see her play teacher with her "friends" and make it as much fun for them as I try to make it for her.

1 Response to "Playing School"

  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Want to trade jobs for a day? I'll take Gracie if you'll take my 40 fourth graders! They swap classes so you'd only have 20 in each class.


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