
So, I was making up a booklet of instructions for when my parents come down next month to take care of Gracie, while Garren and I and baby #2 are in the hospital.

Yea, I know how lame that sounds. They are my parents, her grandparents, and I am sure they can manage taking care of my most precious commodity. But, that's just my point, she is the most precious thing in my life, and even grandma and grandpa could never do it as well as mommy.

And yes, I am sure they will scoff at the instructions and make jokes about "having taken care of a child before," and they would likely say they could do it better. But, she is my first baby, and she comes with plenty of special needs. Like, she has to have her story before bedtime, and mommy doesn't let her have sugar, and she wears her dress coat to school, her hairbow must match her dress, I always iron her school clothes.....can they match her shoes with her dress? So, you see, they will need a Gracie expert to help direct them on how to care for the most valuable Shipley.

My manual as I have called it is already 9 pages long and incomplete. I guess I am taking things a little too far, but I want to make sure everything is in place. Which brings up another issue. Gracie has been the center of my world for so long, can I find enough space in it for baby brother or sister?

Are you laughing at me yet? I guess I am a little over protective...well, over bearing. But, if Gracie gets upset when it comes time to brush her teeth they can turn to page 3 and find out that she prefers her Tinker Bell toothbrush.

9 Responses to "Instructions"

  1. hey. thanks for the comment on my blog.
    I'll try out that recipe.
    I get the Kraft magazine and I love it. I need to look online more often too. I just need to get back in the groove of things.

    And yes, I'm laughing at your post.
    It will be such a good thing for you to have two.
    RELAX :-)

  2. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Yes, I too enjoyed the laugh. I know I will enjoy another laugh when I let Grandpa read Gracie's blog and laugh along with him, and again when we read "THE BOOK". I really do think we will be able to manage. If you would like, we can pretend to be struggling :0 (big laugh). Remember, I DO know how to make raisin toast! Don't worry, Gracie will be able to guide us along. However, if we experience anything we can't handle, you will be the first one we call....;).

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Don't worry about enough love to give the new little Shipley. When new babies come, it seems like God grows mom and dad another whole heart. There will never be a shortage of love and your world will revolve around two precious children.

  4. You always seem to make me laugh!! And don't worry I think once that new little bundle of joy is here you will relax and let some things the 9 page book!! hahaha

    PS what is Gracies favorite color? I am planning on making he a special big sister braclet and I want it to be as custom as possible!

  5. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Grandma and Grandpa will be just fine! They'll do great. Grandma, will you please do me a favor and load that poor little child up on some good sweet treats? Barbara, let me have her for a week! You've seen my cabinets. We are the king and queen of junk food.

    Barbara, don't worry. You will be a great mother to both of your children.

  6. I am so glad so many of you got such a kick out of my "issues," I am glad I can send smiles across the miles. I guess that's what happens to a mother who has only left her daughter's side twice in her lifetime. Once for a family emergency in TN at age 1.5 and once for a day trip to NJ to see a friend get married.

    And, you laugh now, if I were leaving her with Garren the manual would be twice as thick and I would likely video tape instructions ;)

    And, no sugar--I mean it!!

  7. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Sugar? We would certainly not open the sugar container and let Gracie lick the least not while you are around. Oh yea, you won't be...for a while anyway.
    Don't worry, we will only give her Cocoa Krispies for breakfast (or whatever she wants). However the dessert after breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc., is fair game! :)

  8. you know.... having a new baby is a moagical thing. you love this first baby so much, so much that it hurts, adn it doesnt seem like you can love another the same way.... but then the baby comes, and you love the baby JUST AS MUCH as the other one, which leads to security to the older kids. you dont love the baby more, you love them the same....

  9. Cute post. Gracie will be just fine. She will have to adapt to much bigger things onces the baby comes home. Like, you might not actually have time anymore to iron all of her clothes. And Garren might have to do some of the things mommy usually does. And you will have times you are tending to one and the other will just be screaming. This will get you stressed out, but it will be fine. Just inhale deeply and exhale and you'll figure it out.


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