Big Day

Today was a big day for our little Thomas. Actually, it was his due date. Since he was over 8 pounds at birth, I can only imagine how big my little man would have been if we had waited the 8 extra days to have him.
He got his second bath ever tonight, and he is once again squeaky clean. Gracie helped again, and she was proud--and very relieved that he didn't cry this time. I think he was soothed by the warm water. Then, Gracie wanted to use his night-night soap for her shower. So both of my babies went to bed smelling very good and very calm.
He also lost his umbilical cord stump tonight. I noticed late last night that it was loose and would likely fall off at any time. I can't remember how long Gracie had hers, but we found it in her diaper and hers bled. We found his in his diaper tonight, but we avoided the parental freak out of blood.
Oh, and we also got his hospital photos in the mail today. I was shocked they came so quickly, but not so shocked at the price tag. They know you won't pass up the pictures of your baby from the hospital--so they charge A LOT! But, they are precious and I will share soon.
Thomas has his one week check up tomorrow, so wish us well as we again face the unpleasant task of taking an infant into a doctor's office!
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